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How Can Using a Turnkey Bypass Pump System Improve Efficiency?

A sewer bypass pump diverts or reroutes sewage and other waste from a construction site during repair work. These systems can prevent service interruptions for clients, ensuring they can use facilities while the project is in progress.

Depending on the project’s scope – such as the number of businesses or homes in the neighborhood – the sewer bypass pump should be capable of bypassing thousands of gallons of sewage per minute. The pump bypass also needs to handle the current or peak drainage flow and account for emergencies.

Key Considerations for Creating Your Sanitary Sewer Bypass Plan

With any sewage bypass plan, there are three factors to consider:

  • Flow: Knowing the flow rate and peak flow rate is essential for a successful bypass. The flow rate is the average daily flow of sewage through the pipeline, while the peak flow is the maximum rate reached during the day, typically in the morning.
  • Depth: You must know the pipeline’s depth to select a pump, as that information will help you decide on the type you need. For example, submersible pumps are used for depths of 25 feet or more.
  • Project timeline: One bypass could take a few days, while another could take months. Knowing your project’s timeline and each type’s installation requirements will inform your plan and sewer bypass pump selection.

3 Ways Using a Turnkey Bypass Pump System Can Improve Efficiency

Technology for bypass pumping has evolved in the last two decades. This evolution has created some alternatives, including cost-efficient turnkey bypass pumping systems that offer additional benefits, including:

  • Saving time: With all the moving parts involved in a construction project, it’s easy to forget to order integral components, but missing a small piece of equipment could hold up a large project. A turnkey pump system will keep timelines on schedule.
  • Improving quality control: There is no one-size-fits-all plan for rerouting sewage. With a turnkey sewer bypass plan, you can modify the system to fit the project’s specifications – considering flow, suction lift, depth, distance and project timelines.
  • Taking up less space: The space on a construction site is usually limited, but a turnkey bypass pump is typically more compact than a system built from individual parts from various sources. Fitting the turnkey pump into a preset, limited space will likely save on square footage.

Other Considerations

Repair projects can result in unexpected challenges as you get further into the project. Digging or heavy amounts of rain can cause water to pool and fill with debris. Learn how to select a trash pump for the job. 

Renting the Right Sewer Bypass Pump From Sage Rental Services

If you’re working on a construction site or need a temporary bypass pump solution, a rental from Sage Rental Services ensures you get the equipment you need. Contact our expert team for more information!